Fiery Honey Jars - The Feast of St. Haralambos

Fiery Honey Jars – The Feast of St. Haralambos


Fiery Honey Jars - The Feast of St. Haralambos

On 10th of February  Bulgarians celebrate a holiday dedicated to the beekeepers and their patron St. Haralambos, because he was the person who discovered the miraculous benefits of honey. On this day something magical happens in Bulgaria. Thousands of Christians arranged fiery cross of honey jars in a church, because they believe trey will become magical and healing.

Day before the holiday thousands of people bring jars of honey, “bearing a heavy prayers” to the church, to take God’s grace. Jars are labeled with the names of each and to them are attached candles.
Thousands of honey jars and burning candles arranged in the form of the Holy Cross in honor of St. Haralambos.

Fiery Honey Jars - The Feast of St. HaralambosFiery Honey Jars - The Feast of St. HaralambosFiery Honey Jars - The Feast of St. HaralambosFiery Honey Jars - The Feast of St. HaralambosLocal people believe that fiery honey cross brings health and good harvest of beekeepers and their families. 

According to custom, each beekeeper brings honey, and after the mysterious ritual, every morning they eat a spoon from it until the end of the year. Also believe that honey is illuminated and has magical healing power.

Fiery Honey Jars - The Feast of St. Haralambos

Jars of honey and them candles blazing during a ritual celebration. This ritual can be seen only in one church in Bulgarian city called Blagoevgrad, only on the day of St. Haralambos when Orthodoxy celebrated the Day of the beekeeper.

Fiery Honey Jars - The Feast of St. HaralambosSt. Haralambos

Photos by and Shareno Drumishte

Author: sunshine

My life fits in a backpack, by which I dream to travel the world. I believe in the spontaneous decisions, the waves, the smiles, and the magic power of nature. In other words, I live to travel and travel to live.

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