Travel tattoo

35 Travel Tattoo Ideas



Travel tattoo

One of my dreams is to cover the oldest tattoo I have on my back with nature and travel motives, maps or that kind of stuff. Unfortunately, I still didn’t meet person to cover it and to help me with some good travel tattoo idea. Please, if you know somebody who can help me with his imagination just drop me a massage in Facebook or Twitter.

Check out  my gallery of travel tattoo ideas. One day I promise to put here my own travel tattoo project :) Do you have some kind of travel tattoo like this or you think that is stupid to draw maps on your skin?

Author: sunshine

My life fits in a backpack, by which I dream to travel the world. I believe in the spontaneous decisions, the waves, the smiles, and the magic power of nature. In other words, I live to travel and travel to live.

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